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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Environmental Apocalypse :: Environment Consumerism Population Essays
Ecological Apocalypse The earth is in a horrendous condition and albeit a natural end of the world isn't approaching we are unquestionably headed down that street. A portion of the purposes behind our Earth’s inconvenience are overpopulation, commercialization, and overconsumption. The earth’s populace is ever expanding; it is just a short time before there are insufficient assets to help life on the planet and the populace starts to cease to exist because of absence of food, water, and different assets. With our present populace increment rates the populace will twofold inside the following century. â€Å"Indeed, the total populace did twofold in thirty-seven years from 1950 to 1987.'; (Ehrlich, 1990) The issue with overpopulation is that regardless of whether we as a whole decrease our effect on the earth, when the populace pairs, so will the all out effect on the earth will be multiplied. Industrialism is something else that is compromising our planet. Each and every individual who needs to be anybody â€Å"must have'; whatever is cool at that point. This normally implies the greatest, meanest, least productive vehicle or the fanciest toys, for the most part prompting inefficient bundling and unsafe synthetics or other awful stuff. â€Å"In short, Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology.'; (Ehrlich, 1990) The issue is that everybody thinks a lot about social orders picture of them that they don’t consider the consequences of their activities. We additionally have an issue with the utilization of our assets. A considerable lot of the assets that we depend like petroleum products, backwoods, and water are non-sustainable. We are quickly draining these and have nothing to utilize when they are no more. Our general public will experience a great deal of difficulty pivoting their propensities until we are frantically low on them and it will be past the point of no return. It will be hard to create elective innovations in view of an absence of government subsidizing, and the individuals who have the cash (oil organizations) don't need their pay removed by an alternate asset.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
When the Curtain Goes Up free essay sample
At the point when the Curtain Goes Up I was likely 8 years of age. Furthermore, presently as I remained behind the shade the long stretches of arrangement at long last appeared well and good. The hairspray unconsciousness and the rage of lipstick appeared well and good. The changing and re-measuring of my â€Å"oh so adorable†weapon holsters that influenced in time with my frayed cowgirl skirt when we did the pined for firearm twirl†¦ All. Made. Sense. â€Å"Two minutes to stage!†The syllables cried from stage administrator to organize chief in the behind the stage while we were rearranged into our places. â€Å"What in the event that I mess up?†I had asked my mother on the vehicle ride to the show. â€Å"No matter how you do today around evening time daddy we’ll still be extremely glad for you,†she had said. Those words must be in a parent handbook some place. â€Å"One moment to stage!†Presently my stomach was agitating at a supersonic speed. The Voorhees Theater Company’s creation of Annie Get Your Gun appeared to be the foundation of my young life. We will compose a custom exposition test on At the point when the Curtain Goes Up or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The creeping in my stomach got more grounded with. All the cowgirls had been masterminded in a semi hover around Annie. The directions appeared to be straightforward, however now with the shade going to rise I wasn’t so sure. When Annie left from stage left, the principal cowgirl was to kick her toy firearm up with her correct heel and swing it with her left arm onto her shoulder. One quick development. What's more, this would proceed until the finish of the semi hover, going from cowgirl to cowgirl. Obviously I had been set right on target as a result of my overactive pituitary organ. â€Å"30 seconds to arrange! Good karma girls!†I stood right on target stage with my stomach bugs and my cowgirl brawl and the certainty I had over long stretches of practice liquefied off of my body. The cowgirl on the left and on the right, they may be fine. Be that as it may, me, I was startled. In any case, at that point something occurred. The gleam of camcorders and the initial notes of the tune instructed my feet. My head was still around the bend, yet as my body moved with the music my certainty started to develop back. â€Å"GO ALEXA!†my father shouted from the rear of the theater, treating my show like a b-ball game, only somewhat calmer. Generally the humiliation would have injured me, however my feet loved the commendation and went somewhat quicker. At the point when the weapon spin started, it wasn’t an issue of whether I could do it, or whenever left cowgirl or right cowgirl would; it be able to was an issue of if this cowgirl could. Furthermore, when left cowgirl got apprehensive and couldn't make he r quick kick, this cowgirl continued going. Since when the drapery went up all over the nerves transformed into beauty. The long stretches of practice, rough and irritating, and here and there consummation in tears, were changed over into development that influenced easily from appendage to appendage. The words to â€Å"show business†were mechanical in my mouth, later and yet, left an otherworldly delayed flavor impression making me hungry for me. At the point when the blind went up, I wasn’t Alexa any longer; I was that little cowgirl artist. The lipstick and the hairspray and the quarrel all framed into one single cowgirl. To me, acting isn’t only a pastime; it isn’t an approach to kill time. Acting freed me from the young lady I used to be into the ladies I am today. The throughout the night practices, the retention, the responsibility. Have I figured out how to arrange myself, however I have figured out how to esteem each subsequent I get the chance to do what I love. That weapon whirl has tailed me for an incredible duration, demonstrating to me that I can deal with a tad of anarchy if it’s tossed at me; that being terrified of my best course of action won’t push me ahead. At the point when the shade went up on me that first time it instructed me that a phase without me on it, well that just wouldn’t bode well. That multi year old young lady just six years of move and some brawl to stick onto, she has grown up to see that existence without a little show isn’t an actual existence she needs by any means. At the point when the window ornament went up on that young lady and the lights drill into skin she understood that all she’s ever needed was on that phase with her.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Teaching Writing When to Quote, Paraphrase, or Summarize
Teaching Writing When to Quote, Paraphrase, or Summarize (2) Students often struggle to integrate sources into their writing. After the difficult process of finding evidence to support their thesis, they face the new challenge of deciding whether to quote, paraphrase, or summarize sources. Before asking students to paraphrase, it’s important to explain what that means. In the simplest terms, paraphrasing is rewording AND rearranging. A common pitfall is rewording without rearranging. This is a classic case of plagiarism: the student replaces a few words with synonyms and calls the writing their own, even though they still have the same ideas in the same order. Students need practice replacing and rearranging before they can be expected to properly paraphrase. Another common misconception is that paraphrased information does not need an MLA in-text citation. This relates back to the false idea that slight changes make an idea your own and therefore do not require proper credit to the original source. Summarizing is the process of taking a longer work, like a novel or a news article, and condensing it to its main points. It requires the skills of finding the most important parts of a work and then weaving them together to create a concise picture of the whole. Once all of this has been clarified, students are ready to determine whether a source needs to be quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. Below are a few guidelines for students on quoting vs. paraphrasing vs. summarizing. You should quote when… The passage has three or more “keywords†per sentence Keywords include names, dates, places, technical terminology and other words that cannot be replaced with synonyms. (The number three is there to provide a specific guideline; it’s certainly possible that there will be exceptions to this “rule.â€) Specific evidence is required Directly quoting from a book or poem is often a rubric requirement. Even when it’s not, it often helps prove a writer’s point. Try explaining it to your students like this: If you’re trying to show how a character is characterized, for example, strong evidence could be the character’s own words or thoughts. Instead of describing how the character thinks or speaks, using a quote will show it. This allows your audience to think for themselves and assess your point instead of taking your word for it. You should paraphrase when… The passage is longer than three lines of text Again, three lines is a preference, not a hard-and-fast rule, but it’s a good starting point. Students like to bend rules so it’s better to start small and let them ask to go over a few words into the fourth line. I remind my students that I want to read their words in their papers. If I wanted to read the source they used, I would click the link in their MLA works cited page and read it for myself. You already have two quotations in a paragraph Too many direct quotations make a paragraph choppy and hard to follow. Students need to introduce and explain all their quotations, so paragraphs can get very long if they contain too many quotations. Paraphrasing wraps the evidence up with its introduction, leaving more room for analysis. You should summarize when You’re introducing a quote Summarizing what is happening in the scene before quoting a piece of evidence is essential in order to contextualize the quote. This may seem obvious, but many students don’t consider that their audience may not have read the book they’re discussing. This is especially true for my classes that read independent, free-choice novels. I usually haven’t read the books they choose, so I won’t understand their point if they don’t give me a little background. This can also be effective if a point covers multiple scenes in a novel. Rather than quoting each individual instance, the student can summarize the plot at a few crucial points to pull together a cohesive point. You’re integrating many sources in a longer paper or presentation In a longer paper, like a senior thesis, it adds credibility (and length) to explain where the information came from. I encourage students to look up the author and explain his or her credentials for the same reason. You can also have students create an MLA annotated bibliography to practice this skill. As I mentioned, these are not ironclad rules. Writing is an art and sometimes it’s necessary to break the rules for a particular effect. However, these guidelines will provide a starting point for developing writers while helping students understand why it’s important to choose their method of integrating sources with purpose.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Immigration And The United States - 1240 Words
Today the United States is the home to the largest immigrant population in the world. Even though immigrants assimilate faster in the United States than any other developed nations, immigration policy is still a highly controversial issue. The steady increase in the immigrant population in America enrages the natives who think the immigrants take away jobs opportunities, benefit from government benefits unfairly, increase crime and terrorism in the country, and do not integrate into mainstream social and political life which threatens to erase this country’s culture and distinctive character. However, economic theory predicts and academic research confirms immigration has a net positive effect on the natives and the overall economy.†¦show more content†¦border, one would think illegal immigration is on the rise, but in fact it isn’t. The number of people crossing illegally in to the United States have declined over the last nine years (Edwards, 2016). This is d ue to the reason that Mexico’s economy is getting better, and fewer Mexicans want to leave their country. Working with Mexico improve both country’s economy will be more beneficial than increasing border security. Giving Mexicans a reason to stay will be better for both countries in the long run. The immigrants who have recently arrived in the United States the most educated in history. The recent immigrants are more likely to have a university degree than the native-born counterpart (Zong, 2017). This is good for the employers because as workers they are going to be more productive and require less management. Being already educated, they are less likely to need on the job training which will cost the employer money. Immigrants being educated not only improves the labor market, but also helps improve the society’s health, promote citizenship and contain violence. The problem of competing for lower wage jobs against immigrants will decrease. In the past immi grants had negative wage effects for those native born Americans without a high school diploma, for these individuals, immigration caused a 1.1 percent drop in yearly wages. ThisShow MoreRelatedImmigration And The United States986 Words  | 4 PagesImmigration in the United States continues to increase rapidly year by year. According to an analysis of monthly Census Bureau data by the Center for Immigration Studies, the immigration population in the United States, both legal and illegal, hit a record of 42.1 million in the second quarter of this year, an increase of 1.7 million since the same quarter of 2014 ( Clearly, Immigrants make up a large part of the population in the United States, and for most immigrants, migrating to theRead MoreImmigration Of The United States1399 Words  | 6 Pages Michelle Faed English 126 Immigration in the United States The United States of America, being a country established by immigrants, is known all over the world as the land of great opportunities. People from all walks of life travelled across the globe, taking a chance to find a better life for them and their family. Over the years, the population of immigrants has grown immensely, resulting in the currently controversial issue of illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants are the people whoRead MoreImmigration And The United States965 Words  | 4 Pages Immigration is a highly controversial and big problem in the United States today. â€Å"While some characterize our immigration crisis as solely an issue of the 11 to 12 million unauthorized immigrants living in this country, our problems extend beyond the number of undocumented people to a broader range of issues. The lack of a comprehensive federal solution has created a slew of lopsided, enforcement-only initiatives that have cost the country billions of dollars while failing to end un authorizedRead MoreImmigration On The United States1302 Words  | 6 PagesImmigration Rights in the U.S. Immigration has occurred in the U.S. for for many years. Some say it’s the foundation of our country. America is the country where people leave their own country to live. People would leave due to mistreatment, hunger issues or job opportunities. America is known for starting over or accomplishing dreams, so immigrants travel over to follow those dreams. People emigrate from one country to another for a variety of complex reasons. Some are forced to move, due to conflictRead MoreThe Immigration Of The United States1711 Words  | 7 PagesThe vast majority of people living in the United States are descendants of immigrants, and yet majority of them are against them. It is quickly forgotten that America was built on immigrants that wanted a new life. A life free from harsh government, and the freedom from forced religion. The original settlers were immigrants that stole this land; immigrants continued to come for years. It is not a newly constructed concept that immigrants have always been a problem, ask any Native American. One usedRead MoreImmigration Of The United States1064 Words  | 5 Pages Camarota (2007, p.1), director of the Immigration Studies Center, reports there are 1.6 million documented and undocumented migrants take up residence in the United States every year. Camarota goes on to say that the immigrants occupy one-eighth of the total population who settled in the U.S. The flood of aliens, to a significant degree, hinders the development of the United States. Therefore, the issues which relate to immigration must not be neglected, and the government should keep the numberRead MoreImmigration And The United States Essay1377 Words  | 6 Pages Immigration has been a large conversation topic for such a long time in our country. We have worked on policies for immigration, and have made changes to them throughout the duration of our country’s existence. This topic is always worth mentioning and important, but has become a bigger topic once again due to presidential elections and the conversations being had about immigration from said elections. It is not necessarily easily seen if the concern with immigration is who is here legally or limitingRead MoreImmigration Of The United States1565 Words  | 7 PagesA native of Mexico, Gonzalez came to the United States using a visa, to visit family members and in 1994, police convicted Gonzalez of the abduction and rape of a Waukegan, Illinois woman. During his conviction his attorney, Vanessa Potkin, addressed that at twenty years old, Gonzalez spoke very little English, had no criminal record, and yet the police wanted to pin the crime on him. Twenty years later, DNA from the crime cleared him of both charges, and Gonzalez is now threatened with deportationRead MoreImmigration : The United States1087 Words  | 5 PagesThe United States is a popular and powerful which many people admire. It is very true that the country prospect and is more enrich. O pening the border might improve the economy or can impact the job market for American citizens. It is the jobs of American citizens to be given more to this illegal immigrant. I believe the U.S. borders should remain closed. While it is clear that opening the borders can have benefits, I believe it is more important to keep jobs available for Americans. In my opinionRead MoreThe Immigration Of The United States1632 Words  | 7 PagesFrench and European to settle in the New World. Since the colonial era, America has seen a wave of immigrants migrate in search of freedom and equality. Is this the same immigration today? Nearly 11.6 million immigrants from Mexico reside in the U.S. Today Immigration has a significant impact on many aspects of life in the United States, from the workforce and the classroom to communities across the country. Not all immigrants come to America legally whether as naturalized citizens, legal permanent residents
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Effects Of Genetically Modified Foods On Health And The...
The â€Å"OMG†About â€Å"GMOs†Molecular biologist Nina Fedoroff once said, â€Å"Myths about the dire effects of genetically modified foods on health and the environment abound, but they have not held up to scientific scrutiny. And, although many concerns have been expressed about the potential for unexpected consequences, the unexpected effects that have been observed so far have been benign†(â€Å"Nina Fedoroff†). With that being said, modified crops are not as bad as many people think. In fact, evidence has been found that genetically modified crops actually benefit the world’s economic and environmental condition. Whether the food helps feed starving children in Africa, or improves the taste of the potato chips that the average American man is eating right now, genetically modified crops have many advantages. Although some scientists may argue that genetically modifying crops have negative impacts, genetically modified crops have positive consequences on society because they help preserve the environment, they have more nutritional value than their organic counterparts, and they heal worldwide hunger. Genetically modified crops have a positive impact on the environment because they limit habitat loss. Although using genetic modification on crops is good for the limitation of the loss of habitat for wildlife, it also benefits humans because it prevents deforestation and the depletion of oxygen. â€Å"Bt cotton, for example, has lowered production costs for cotton and led to increased amountsShow MoreRelatedEssay about Rogerian Argument of Genetic Engineered Foods1161 Words  | 5 PagesRogerian Paper: Genetically Modified Food â€Å"Biotechnology has been used for more than 6,000 years for lots of interesting and practical purposes: making food such as bread and cheese, preserving dairy products and fermenting beer†(Biotechnology - Promising a Brighter Future for the World). Although we do not always realize it, biotechnology is a huge part of our everyday lives, from the medicine we use to keep us healthy, the fuel we use to take us where we need to go, and even the food we eat andRead MoreHarmful Effects Of Genetically Modified Organisms1666 Words  | 7 Pages2015 The Harmful Effects of Genetically Modified Organisms Does one really know how harmful genetically modified foods are to living organisms, or even to the environment? In grocery stores, 70% of the processed food sold contains genetically modified soybeans and corn. Also, a large percentage of canola, sugar beets, and sugar cane are genetically modified. Without even knowing it, Americans have been consuming genetically modified ingredients that have been hidden in their food since 1996. Is itRead MoreCommercialization of Genetically Modified Foods Essay1297 Words  | 6 PagesCommercialization of Genetically Modified Foods Following a for year investigation into the effects of genetically modified crops on the environment, it was found that 2 out of 3 types of genetically modified crops tested were more harmful to the environment. Plus, the only genetically modified crop to be less harmful to the environment was compared to crops that were sprayed with the now illegal herbicide, atrazine. So many experts have dismissed those results untilRead MoreGenetically Modified food should not be banned876 Words  | 3 PagesFood is the basic requirement for living, as more and more people need food while the population was increased every year, food is becoming an important issue in the world. The invention of Genetically Modified food is a reasonable solution to solve this issue. Therefore, the Genetically Modified food should not be banned for several reasons. In addition to the fact that Genetically Modified food already provides benefits to us, there are several considerable profits to agriculture, environment andRead MoreGenetically Modified Organisms And The Environment1284 Words  | 6 Pagesabout genetically modified organisms and think that they are god sent other countries are weary of them and think that they are dangerous. While many other countries label genetically modified organisms because they think that people should have a choice whether or not they want to consume them America believes that their people should not have to know therefore taking the people s choice away and making the decision for them. There have been studies that have shown that genetically modified organismsRead MoreGenetically Modified Foods ( Gmos )898 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Have you ever thought about what is in your food?†In today’s society Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs) can be found and purchased in most farmers markets across the United States. Genetically modified foods are designed to resist or tolerate pesticides, insects, and viruses (Segen’s Medical Dictionary). When changing the DNA makeup of an organism it alters the gene pool and can in fact lead to an unstable living environment. Genetically modified food is harmful not only to humans but to all organismsRead MoreAre Genetically Modified Foods Safe and Nutritious? Essay1568 Words  | 7 PagesAre Genetically Modified Foods Safe and Nutritious Genetically modified (GM) foods have taken over the traditional methods of farming by now being planted in over a quarter of the world’s farm land and it is essential that they are labeled for all consumers to see. These genetically modified foods have taken a toll on not only the environment, but human health as well. Those that agree with the genes of crops and other foods being spliced to create a more â€Å"beneficial†product for man state thatRead MorePersuasive Speech: Why We Should Abandon Genetically Modified Food1580 Words  | 7 PagesPersuasive Speech: Genetically Modified Food We all enjoy a cold glass of milk with homemade cookies, a refreshing pop on a hot summer day, and a juicy cob of corn in the summer months. But, do we ever wonder what is really in our food? Because genetically modified foods do not have to be labeled, you will likely never know if the food you are consuming is genetically modified. As a fellow member of the Organic Consumers Association, I am eager to inform you of why genetically modified food is an issueRead MoreGenetically Modified Foods1198 Words  | 5 PagesGenetically modified foods have recently been in the new headlines for both their positive attributes and the negatives of genetic modification, this essay will look at the effects Genetically Modified foods have on the economy, environment and you. Genetically modified (GM) foods refer to crop plants which have been created for human or animal consumption, these foods have had their genetic material modified in a way that would not occur naturally within the food. Desired traits such as increasedRead MoreThe Effects Of Genetic Modification On The Environment And The Human Race1475 Words  | 6 Pagesworld hunger. While it may seem like negative effects would be outweighed by the possibility of solving world hunger, an important issue, the conceivably detrimental effects on the health of the environment and the human race would outweigh the humanitarian goal of stopping world hunger. Genetic modification of crops is not the only possible solution to world hunger. There are other solutions that would not negatively harm the environment. The effects of genetic modification, good or bad, would affect
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Criminal Prosecution and Competencies Free Essays
Through movies, we get the impression that police officers have all the right to arrest someone and bring him to court. But the underlying fact in this is that there are some things that must be done before a trial can be reached. For instance, an offender is arrested for committing a crime. We will write a custom essay sample on Criminal Prosecution and Competencies or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are steps in a criminal prosecution which leads to sentencing. During the arrest, the offender is handcuffed and taken to jail. The offender is then taken for booking wherein his photograph and fingerprints will be taken and he will be searched. A strip-search may be necessary at some point. Then, the police will ask about the offender’s personal information such as name, address, date of birth and social security number (American Hunt Saboteurs Association, n. d. ). The next step would be arraignment, which signals the court appearance for a felony or misdemeanor. During this process, the charges to be filed and the penalty applicable once convicted, and the Constitutional rights are recited to the defendant (Nichols, n. d. ). The offender also pleads guilty or not guilty during arraignment, after which the pretrial, readiness hearing and trial dates are set. If the offender does not plead guilty, the next step would be the pretrial hearing. This is the time for both parties to file pretrial motions or issues. Then there would be the discovery. Discovery refers to the information needed for the parties to prepare the case. The next step is motions, wherein both parties can present testimonies or arguments. The readiness hearing will follow. This hearing is mainly held to find out if both parties are ready to proceed (City of Oak, 2003). After these steps, the trial follows. For an offender who pleads not guilty, he will be tried and convicted by either a judge or a jury (American Hunt Saboteurs Association, n. d. ). The judge or the jury decides upon the verdict. This leads to the final step, which is the sentencing. In some areas in the United States, sentencing can be delivered in an expedite manner, or the defendant can return to be sentenced. Before a judge or a jury can put down a sentence, the judge must first hear the sides of the prosecution, victims or their representatives, the defendant and the defense attorney (City of Oak, 2003). Foundational and Decisional Competencies Foundational competencies, which are sometimes called Work Readiness Competencies, refer to competencies which serve as foundation for success whether in the workplace or school. Having foundational skills is very essential especially for workers to be able to learn new industry-specific skills. Foundational competencies are considered fundamental in occupations and industries (State of Minnesota, 2009). Foundational competencies transcend many other forms of competencies, such as ethical competencies, personal effectiveness, work place competencies and so on. Individual and cultural diversity and professional development are also classified as foundational. Take academic competencies as example. The critical competencies that people have learned in an academic setting such as communication, reading and writing, and basic computer skills are necessary in order to succeed in one’s chosen career. Academic competencies are the foundation for other competencies such as occupation and industry specific competencies. Decisional competencies, on the other hand, are categorized under workplace competencies. Possessing excellent decision-making skills is critical in both work place and school. Decisional competencies aid an individual in functioning â€Å"in an organizational setting†(Long Island University, n. d. ). Foundational and decisional competencies can be related in criminal cases, especially ones wherein the defendant suffers from a mental disorder. Foundational competencies can include the defendant’s basic knowledge of the charges and the adversary system as a whole. They also include the ability to â€Å"disclose relevant information to counsel. †Decisional competencies, on the other hand, would include one’s ability to understand legal alternatives and choose among these when necessary (Skeem, et. al, 2004). References American Hunt Saboteurs Association. (n. d. ). Arrest. Retrieved February 4, 2009, from http://www. huntsab. org/arrest. htm City of Oak. (2003). Steps in a criminal case. Retrieved February 4, 2009, from http://www. oakharbor. org/subcategory. cfm? id=12sid=19 Long Island University. (n. d. ). The practitioner scholar model: Program competencies, goals and objectives. Retrieved February 4, 2009, from http://www. cwpost. liu. edu/cwis/cwp/clas/psych/doctoral/forms/PractitionerScholarModel. pdf Nichols, W. P. (n. d. ). Steps in a criminal case. Office of Prosecuting Attorney. Retrieved February 4, 2009, from http://www. co. monroe. mi. us/Monroe/default. aspx? PageId=387 Skeem, J. , Golding, S.. L. Emke-Francis,P. (2004). Assessing adjudicative competency: Using legal and empirical principles to inform practice. In Donohue, W. T. Levensky, E. R. (Eds. ). Forensic psychology: A handbook for mental health and legal professionals. New York: Academic Press. State of Minnesota. (2009). â€Å"Building blocks†for competency models. Retrieved February 4, 2009, from http://www. careeronestop. org/CompetencyModel/pyramid_definition. aspx How to cite Criminal Prosecution and Competencies, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Environmental Sustainability Kangaroo Realtors Pty. Ltd
Question: Discuss about the Environmental Sustainability for Kangaroo Realtors Pty. Ltd. Answer: Introduction The report focuses on conducting both an empirical and case study based discussion associated with the concept of Triple Bottom Line or TBL and its reporting through the use of the GRI standards. The case of a hypothetical construction company based in Australia would be undertaken for generating needed discussions in an effective fashion. Concept of Triple Bottom Lines (TBL) The concept of Triple Bottom Line (TBL) was rendered by John Elkington during 1994. The concept focuses on measuring and evaluating the performance of a business institution based on three main aspects like the financial profit and loss, responsibility of the company towards the greater society and also the internal people operating within the firm and finally the responsibility of the firm towards the natural environment. The measure of financial profits is coined as the bottom line, social and environmental responsibility as the people and environment account of the firm. The TBL constituted by 3Ps focus on measuring the performance of a firm in meeting the objectives of profit, people and the planet over a specific period. Performance evaluation of a firm based on TBL earns significance in that it helps in reflecting on the total cost incurred by the firm and is viewed as an extension of the Balanced Scorecard(Alhaddi, 2015). Relationship of TBL with SD The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) can be effectively integrated with the sustainable development objectives of a business institution. The social aspect in the TBL aims in measuring the revenue and profitability of the firm attributed to social parameters like existence of fair and effective employment practices and also the increased contribution of the firm in promoting social and community based growth. The business corporations are required for developing effective relationship with both its internal and external stakeholders like employees, customers, social communities and also with the government authorities in the region. Nurturing a positive relationship with the social groups contributes in gaining an effective access to potential customers and employees. The social sustainability parameters essentially focus on development of a congenial and effective work atmosphere that in turn encourages the employees for generating increased productivity(Gold et al., 2012). In terms of the environmental dimension the aspect of integration of TBL with sustainable development initiatives requires the reduction of environmental impacts of the operations conducted by the firm. The reduction in the level of impacts on the natural environment contributes in creating a sustainable future for the business institution. Similarly, it also reflects on the waste management and recycling initiatives and also on the initiatives regarding development of carbon footprint undertaken by the firm. Finally, in terms of economic sustainability the integration of TBL with the sustainability objectives focuses on understanding the impacts of the activities of the firm on promoting economic and financial growth in both the institution and along the region as a whole(Gimenez et al., 2012). Significance of TBL in Sustainable Development The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) efforts of the company need to be effectively integrated with the sustainability development objectives of a business institution. The outcomes of the TBL efforts need to be met based on focusing on the mission and vision of the objectives of the institution. The mission and vision statements of the business institution are required to be generated for aptly meeting the short and long-term business and operational objectives. In the course of integration the vision and mission objectives of the firm with the TBL based reporting activities are required to be carried out in a fashion wherein the company management need to focus on the generation of effective information for taking of decisions in an effective fashion. The information is required to be generated on a priority basis and the management should not focus on withholding information from the fear of facing undesirable results and consequences(Barkemeyer et al., 2014). Further, the information rega rding the sustainability efforts of the company are required to be generated based on following the set TBL standards. Information generated thereof by the company management based on following the guidelines as laid down by TBL standards contributes in enhancing the efficacy, consistency and effectiveness of the reports. Further, the measurement of the cost associated with failure in sustaining the quality standards is considered to be a significant part of TBL reporting. The above activity concerning TBL reporting rightly matches with the sustainability efforts of the company reduction and elimination of costs associated with generation of poor quality of products and services(Liu, 2014). A committee on sustainability is required to be constituted by the business institution and is also required to gain the views of other people not involved in the committee for taking decisions in a unanimous fashion regarding the different reporting topics. Information collected from varied sour ces are required to be checked and verified on principles of accuracy such that the information can be potentially generated through the incorporation of TBL reports. Herein, information that are not required to be furnished in the reports are required to be potentially discarded along with the removal of potential jargons for enhancing the level of simplicity and clarity. The TBL report associated with the sustainability efforts of the firm are required to be generated in a straightforward fashion that would be understandable for both the internal and external stakeholders of the firm(Lozano Lozano, 2014). Significance of TBL in Sustainable Construction The demand for the growth of sustainable construction activities on a global scale has required the effective integration of TBL in regards to the sustainability initiatives carried out in the construction industry. In terms of the social dimension in TBL sustainability initiatives in the construction industry not only focus on generation of investments for development of sustainable residential projects bur also focuses on the development of the streets, aesthetic development of the regions and also the development of community centres in the residential complexes. Reflecting on the environmental dimension the integration of TBL in sustainable construction activities essentially focus on investments generated and costs incurred related to management of waste disposal and recycling initiatives and also associated with the incorporation of energy efficient and hybrid lighting systems(Onat et al., 2014). Use of TBL in sustainable construction also aims to understand the level of revenu e gained by the construction and real estate firms based on attracting potential customers to sophisticated and greener residences. Finally, relating to the economic aspect of TBL in sustainable construction contributes in helping the construction companies source for value based construction resources along with identification of local suppliers for helping in availing construction materials with reduced transportation costs. Similarly, it also focuses on the use of high-star ratings electronics appliances for the residential and commercial properties in that the same would contribute in the generation of increased savings in the long run(Shen et al., 2016). TBL Reporting based on GRI The Global Reporting Initiative or GRI was first developed by Ceres, a non-profit institution based in Boston in terms of operating with the United Nations Environmental Program or UNEP. The GRI contributes in generating criteria for measuring the behaviour of a business institution along the three main pillars of TBL. The GRI system is designed based on the tenets of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or GAAP that contributes in both simplifying and thereby in integrating different accounting methods. TBL reporting based on GRI earns needed popularity and significance in that it helps in clarifying, generation of usability, renders ease of comparison and also enhances the level of influence of the inferences obtained(Llena Talalweh, 2015). The reporting of TBL through use of GRI contributes in managing the impact of a business institution on the TBL such that the same can effectively enhance the parameter of quality and transparency associated with the reporting of sustai nability issues and would also help in generating a balanced and reasonable picture of organisational performance. In fact, over the years the GRI program has been recognised as an effective benchmark in the global landscape related to the measurement, monitoring and also the effective reporting of sustainability activities conducted by a business institution. The GRI based reporting of TBL are essentially carried out based on 11 different principles that in turn are dependent on 146 different indicators associated with the economic, social equity and also the environmental pillar. The different types of economic indicators are like revenue attributing from sales, business profits of the company and also the returns expected from the investments generated(Fonseca et al., 2012). Other economic indicators as identified by GRI also reflect on the level of taxes paid, monetary or income flows in the economy and the level of employment generated. In terms of social equity, the GRI progra m focuses on different criteria like labour or employment practices carried out in the region, impacts generated on the different social communities, human and civil rights and also the responsibility of the products in satiating the needs of the consumers. Finally, reflecting on the environmental dimension the GRI reflects on parameters like quality of air and water resources, level of energy consumed for conducting the business operations and also the level of waste generated and recycled by the company. The applicability of the above GRI reporting system helps the public in visualising the pragmatic efforts regarding sustainability claims made by a firm(Stenzel, 2010). Sustainable Development and Reporting of Kangaroo Realtors Strategies and Analysis on Sustainable Development Effective strategies needs to undertaken by the construction company relating to the fulfilment of sustainability initiatives and also based the incorporation of TBL parameters. The analysis of the benefits along with the various strategies that can be undertaken by the company along the environmental, social and economic paradigms is reflected as under. (Lee et al., 2014) Organisational Profile Kangaroo Realtors Pty. Ltd. operates as an effective construction and real estate organisation operating across different regions like Sydney, Perth, Brisbane and Melbourne regions. The companys head quarters is based in Sydney. Kangaroo Realtors conducts construction activities under different segments associated to retail, hospitality, healthcare, residential and other commercial and office properties. Currently, the company is focusing on the development of greener construction projects through the use of renewable energy and recycled construction materials. TBL Reporting Parameters The TBL based reporting parameters essentially focus on understanding the returns gained by the construction companies relating to the investments and costs generated along social, environmental and economic aspects. The economic aspect effectively focuses on understanding revenues and profits generated along the different sectors like retail, hospitality, and healthcare, residential and commercial properties. The environmental performance of Kangaroo Realtors is potentially measured and reported based on the quanta of renewable energy resources utilised by the company. It also reflects on the level or the percentage of GHG emissions reduced by the construction company and the number of green buildings generated by the company. Further, the environmental reporting standards also reflect on the level of recyclable materials and also on the degree of water efficiency generated by the institution along its operational and construction premises. Finally, the TBL reporting parameters from the social dimension would focus on reflecting the amount of investments generated by the construction company in generation of training and skill development initiatives for its workforce. It also needs to focus on understanding the investments generated by the company for enhancing the health standards of its internal workforce. Governance, Commitments and Engagement The sustainability initiatives undertaken by Kangaroo Realtors Pty. Ltd. are essentially governed based on the construction of a Sustainability Management Committee. The committee would be essentially constituted by directors, environmental experts and also the senior managers of the operation department of the institution. The company is required to effectively commit towards the external legislations and regulations concerning environmental, economic and social sustainability. The management of Kangaroo Realtors also requires for engaging different stakeholder groups like customers, employees, suppliers, local communities, potential shareholders and the regional and central government in conducting its construction functions in an effective fashion. Management Approach Kangaroo Realtors Pty. Ltd. needs to essentially focus on the incorporation of a sustainability manager that focuses on the generation of innovative and creative ideas for helping the construction company in aptly meeting its sustainability goals. Challenges and Issues in Reporting Sustainability The main challenges and issues concerning the reporting of sustainability initiatives by the business institutions can be effectively underlined as follows. In the first place, the sustainability initiatives undertaken by a firm gain increased significance in that the same is undertaken on a continual basis along different annual periods. The companies are thus required to carry out continuous discussion and dialogues with the potential stakeholders of a business institution regarding the sustainability initiatives and objectives of the company(Rosen Kishawy, 2012). The communication activities regarding sustainability efforts of the company can be further enhanced based on the use of internet based communication tools like social media platforms and also electronic mails which in turn require effective training to be imparted to the organisational members. Further, sustainability reporting initiatives gain effectiveness in that the same focuses on monitoring and regulating the acti vities of suppliers. The suppliers are required for potentially abiding by sustainability parameters and thereby needs to effectively focus on integrating the different small and large suppliers for meeting the sustainability objectives. Changes in the regulatory climate require the organisations for further disclosing their sustainability initiatives and actions. The same requires the organisations to operate in a conscious fashion in terms of generating potential investments, reporting and monitoring measures that would further help in gaining needed support from potential stakeholders(Bostrm, 2012). Conclusions and Discussions The report effectively analyses the integration of the TBL with the sustainability development approach of the business institutions while also in using the above approach relating to the conducting of operations for a hypothetical construction company, Kangaroo Realtors Pty. Ltd. 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